Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği Derneği
Dear Esteemed Colleagues;
The Iraqi Scientific Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSSMFE) in collaboration with Civil Engineering Department/University of Baghdad organize an International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Iraq; 2020 (ICGE-2020) on 19-20th February 2020 in Baghdad/Iraq. The conference aims to provide a scientific platform to present and discuss the latest research and studies in the different fields of geotechnical engineering. This scientific event is a great chance for participants from both academics and industry to meet and exchange the development and experiences in these fields. This conference will be real opportunity to share new ideas and experiences face to face; establish business or research relations; and find global partners for future collaboration. I invite you to participate in this conference. Please find the Conference flyer in the attachment.
Wish to meet you in Baghdad on 19-20 February 2020.
Best regards
Mahdi O. Karkush (Ph.D; M.ISSMGE)
President of Iraqi Society SMFE
Assistant Professor/Geotechnical Engineer
University of Baghdad/ Iraq
Civil Engineering Department
Mob.: 00964-7801058893
E-mail: mahdi_karkush@yahoo.com
E-mail: mahdi.karkush@gmail.com
E-mail: mahdi_karkush@coeng.uobaghdad.edu.iq