Conference in honour of Prof. Michele Maugeri_1 Temmuz 2016

12 April 2016

The Italian Geotechnical Society wishes to honour the memory of Michele Maugeri; Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Catania; Italy; with a one-day Conference that will take place on July 1st; 2016 in Catania; (Italy).
As a teacher; researcher; professional engineer and a member of the Board of Public Works (CSLLPP); Michele Maugeri devoted himself to a number of different fields in the realm of Geotechnical Engineering.
The July 1st one-day Conference; will focus on some aspects of his personality; seen from different perspectives; as well as on the themes of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems that Michele Maugeri so particularly cherished; and so much that he could be considered one of the pioneers in the field both at a national and international level.
Lectures delivered by some of his past students; now professors; and by prominent foreign specialists colleagues will furtherly promote the dissemination of the most recent scientific findings in a variety of research areas he was particularly fond of.
Of course we wish a great attendance to the event.
All information are available on the attached program and registration form.
Looking forward to meeting you in Catania we remain
Yours sincerely
Nicola Moraci and Claudio Soccodato
President and Secretary General of the Italian Geotechnical Society
Associazione Geotecnica Italiana
Viale dell’Università 11
00185 Roma
Tel. 06 4465569 – 06 44704349
Fax 06 44361035